Confidential Client

Plant replacement

o2 Plant Facility Improvements

The owner utilizes a specialty chemical supplier to provide and manage an oxygen supply system within the pulp & paper mill. The mill owns the O2 plant facility while their chemical supplier delivers liquid oxygen and maintains the equipment to distribute, recover, and compress oxygen. Oxygen at the mill is utilized for brown-stock washing/screening and for supplemental bleaching. LHB provided civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering, as well as surveying for the project. The project included a new building to house evaporator, blower, and compressor equipment to provide easier maintenance access. The project also included construction of a separate electrical control building outside of the equipment enclosure. Both structures and the complete fenced oxygen facility are in a highly space-constrained location within the mill.

Project Type Plant facility improvements
Location Northern Minnesota
Completion Date Fall 2022
Market Pulp & Paper