Climate Solutions
& Renewable Energy
Guiding Changes That Make A Difference
The challenges of climate change require swift solutions and tough decisions. Yet organizations that wish to take action—setting goals and implementing strategies to decarbonize, reduce energy consumption, and increase resilience—often lack the guidance they need to make bold moves. LHB assists developers, organizations, and local governments by providing them with the data and tools they require to hone objectives, prioritize strategies, and track actual performance. And for clients who need help navigating the transition to clean energy, LHB’s team offers planning and design services for renewable energy projects, including solar, wind, and biomass.

Leading The Clean Energy Transition
LHB has long served the energy-delivery market, and we are continually evolving our services to support that sector’s transition to a lower-emissions future—one that will include greater reliance on renewable energy generation and lower-carbon infrastructure. Our portfolio of clean energy projects includes innovative biomass facilities and extensive experience with PV installations.

Data That Drives Action
We focus on urgent climate action. Our work helps nonprofits, developers, and local governments make critical decisions that impact communities, states, and regions. Our research informs policies, guidelines, and programs that significantly mitigate the built environment’s impact on natural resources and greenhouse gas emissions.

Local Connections With Global Impact
When communities and organizations set sustainability and climate goals, we’re there to help. Our work with Minnesota local governments began in 2010 with questions regarding metrics, baselines, and goals and has evolved to prioritize the equitable implementation of immediate and meaningful action—recognizing this is what’s needed to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.

From Standalone To Integrated Renewables
We have experience with standalone and integrated renewable energy projects, from wind turbines to biofuel district heating systems. We’ve conducted structural analyses for rooftop-solar retrofits and other complex projects. And we know how to handle all phases of renewables planning, including economic analysis, equipment selection, civil site development, and more.