St. Louis County Bridge Bundle Project Complete

LHB played a key role in completing St. Louis County’s largest project on record, providing design and construction administration services for 21 bridges.

LHB’s Jon Siiter, engineering principal – Bridges & Structures, helped St. Louis County secure federal grant funding in 2018 to replace the 21 bridges as a single package. Leaders say that bundling the bridge projects into a single contract saved 10-15% of potential cost.

LHB provided design for the bridge bundling, which began in 2021, along with construction administration services. Thanks to the diligent efforts of the firm’s entire bridge group and two subconsultants, the design for all 21 bridges was completed in just nine months.

St. Louis County Bridge Engineer Rachel Gregg cuts the ribbon at a ribbon-cutting event celebrating the completion of the County’s “Bridge Bundle” project. Also pictured: LHB’s Project Manager Mark Madden (sixth from right) and LHB’s Engineering Principal-Bridges & Structures Jon Siiter (second from right).

The project spanned over three years, with 10 bridges completed in 2022, another 10 in 2023, and the final bridge — West Skyline Parkway — finishing construction in October.

To mark the project’s completion, St. Louis County Public Works hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony and news conference on November 13, 2024, highlighting the significant improvements made to the county’s extensive road and bridge network. 

LHB’s Jon Siiter and Mark Madden talk to project partners at the ribbon-cutting event and news conference.

Through a unique partnership with MnDOT, St. Louis County successfully completed the $25.33 million Bridge Bundling project. The joint effort, made possible by $10.25 million in Federal grant funding, resulted in the replacement of 17 bridges throughout the County, while MnDOT replaced an additional four bridges in Carlton County.

Additional details about the event and multi-part project can be found below:

Mesabi Tribune Article

Project Recap on YouTube

To learn more about LHB’s Bridges & Structures group, contact Jon Siiter at ∎

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