portrait of man in blue jacket and white shirt

Robert Lisi

Civil Engineering Manager

Bob asks the kind of questions that make clients focus on strategy. A thoughtful designer and careful listener, he excels at managing teams – both internally at LHB, where he oversees the civil engineering team in the firm’s Energy & Industry group, and externally, for select clients. Embedded within the client’s project team, Bob delivers value as an innovative engineer and an experienced manager, delving into details while never losing sight of the big picture and its impact.

For several years, he worked as an embedded staffer with Enbridge, project managing major pipeline and renewable energy projects. His current work is largely focused on renewable energy investments and growing LHB’s capabilities in this arena. He is available for speaking engagements related to engineering topics.

Years in Industry 20
Memberships & Accreditations Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence