Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines (B3 + SB2030)
Leading Minnesota’s Sustainable Building Innovation
Since 2002, LHB has co-led the management and coordination of Minnesota’s Sustainable Building Guidelines (B3 + SB2030). These guidelines aim to enhance building energy efficiency and sustainability, supporting sustainable design practices that reduce energy costs, improve occupant health and productivity, and enhance environmental quality. By quantifying human, community, environmental, and economic impacts, the guidelines ensure project outcomes align with sustainability goals.
Required for new and substantially renovated State-bonded construction projects, the B3/SB 2030 programs include:
– B3 Guidelines: Design criteria for holistic sustainability outcomes.
– Sustainable Building 2030 (SB 2030) Energy Standard: Sets progressive energy reduction targets
– B3 Benchmarking: Tracks building energy and water consumption.
– B3 Energy Efficient Operations: Minimizes operational energy use.
– B3 Post-Occupancy Evaluation: Assesses indoor environmental quality.
Management and Database Insights
LHB provides project management, policy development, training, and outreach to public building owners. Our professionals manage the online B3 Case Studies Database, sharing performance data and design insights for B3 buildings and top performers.
Real-World B3 Program Application
As the sole design firm, LHB applies B3 program features to enhance sustainability and wellness in projects like the University of Minnesota, Morris’ Green Living and Learning Community. This facility aligns with UMM’s environmental focus, demonstrating and educating residents and visitors about its green features.